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A wonderful week-end and a busy week ahead!

Was a wonderful week-end -
  • Walked through a home that our son and wife are thinking about buying
  • Their Real Estate agent is our daughter Kim....love it!
  • Went to church....feels like a long time away since I stayed home last week
  • I got to hold my sweetie Zoe during worship/singing. Zoe always relaxes as soon as the music starts and falls asleep. I held her, kissed her fuzzy head and worshiped my wonderful God all at the same time =) I am BLESSED!
  • We attended a family reunion for lunch. It was wonderful to be with my Mother's family.
  • It was even more special because it was 28 years ago that my Mother went to Heaven. My Mom was a really special person. She could not understand why people looked up to her and admired her...but she really deserved admiration! We had a beautiful flower arrangement and some photos at the reunion in remembrance.
  • We visited my Mother-in-law in the hospital. She went in the night before. She is doing ok. We hope she will be able to come home on Tuesday...her 90th birthday!
  • It was to Marcy and Scott's home after that to watch the Eagles game...they DVR'd it allowing us to not miss any of the game. 
  • It was soooo special to hear a little voice yell "Nana!" when I walked into the house! Paityn is a sweetie too!
  • We ate pizza and Stromboli then had ice cream as we watched the game. YUM!
  • I was really sleepy as the evening went on. Around 8:30 Hubby told Paityn to wake up Nana and tell her it's time to go home =) Time change adjustment in the works!
This week will be a busy one!
  • I keep the little ones today and Thursday
  • I have some extra cleaning I would like to do....
  • Because we are having Hubby's siblings and Mother here on Friday for dinner. His brother and wife from Maine are coming on Thursday til Sunday. I always wanted to have the sibs for a meal sometime. We always have a wonderful time when we get together.
  • On Saturday there's a 90th birthday party planned for Mother. I'm sure we will be spending the entire day at the party.
  • We hope and pray that Mother will be in good health this week. Prayers appreciated!
I must get moving on my 'list'....in quotes because I am NOT a list person. It's usually in my head....but as I age, my head is not always the most reliable! I may need to start making real lists...we'll see!

Have a great day!

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