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Bhendi ~ Raw Tomato ~ Onion Spicy Bhaji.

Bhendi ~ Raw Tomato ~ Onion Spicy Bhaji / Upkari … A simple spicy bhaji with the added goodness of lady's finger (Okra) that is very tasty and goes well with roti / partha / poori etc. … Yummy Yumz .... 

Bhendi is very good for health, high in calcium and good for constipation too. There are many types of dishes that can be prepared with this veggie. But one does get bored with eating simple bhaji / upkari prepared out of the same in regular manner all the time and craves for something spicy and hot specially during monsoon. t's raining heavily and there lot of chill in the air today and what more can I say but the body is feeling lazy though the mind is warning there are loads are work to be completed. Raw Tomatoes are available in plenty now. So went ahead and prepared this dish with onion and yummy yumz it really was tasty to alert the mind and get rid of laziness. 

Ingredients :
Bhendi / Lady’s Finger / Okra : 250 gms
Onion : 2 medium sized.
Raw Tomatoes : 3 medium sized.
Red Chilly Powder : 2 tblsp
Asafoetida / Hing Powder : 1 tsp
Turmeric / Haldi Powder : ¼ tsp
Dhania Powder : ½ tsp
Jeera Powder : ¼ tsp
Mustard Seeds : 1 tsp
Curry Leaves : 8-10
Oil : 2 tblsp
Salt to taste

** Wash and wipe the bhendi / lady’s finger dry. Slice off both the side ends and cut them into ½ inch thick rings. Keep this aside ready.

** Peel of the skin of the onion and cut them into medium sized pieces.

** Wash and wipe the tomatoes. Slice off he edges and cut them into six pieces. Keep them ready aside.

** Put the oil in a thick bottomed kadai and bring to heat, when hot add in the mustard seeds and when they begin to splutter add in the curry leaves fry a little bit. Lower the heat and then add in haldi powder followed by chilly powder, jeera powder, dhania powder, hing powder and fry for a few seconds. 

** Now add in the onions and further fry on medium heat till they turn translucent. Say for 3-4 minutes. Now add in the cut bhendi / ladies finger and mix well. Cover and cook for 2 minutes. Sprinkle water if necessary only ie if you find the veggies too dry and the masala getting burnt. Usually it does not need if the heat consistency is correct.

** Now open the lid, mix well and lower the heat to minimum, cover with the lid and cook till the bhendi is 75% done. Now add in the chopped raw tomatoes, salt to taste and mix well. Cover with a tight lid and cook till done.

** Bhendi ~ Raw Tomato ~ Onion Spicy Bhaji / Upkar is done and is ready to be served. Serve this hot with roti / chapati / phulkas / poori or peja. Tastes great. 

** Note : You can increase or decrease the chilly powder as per your taste of spice level. But this dish goes well if done a little bit spicier than the usual bhajis. 

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