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Mushroom Barley Bake

Barley Mushroom Bake 2

We had a beautiful snowfall last night and now we are getting for some really cold weather. I'm talkin' a high of  20 and night time lows of 4! Brrrrr! Factor in a wind-chill and you've got some pretty bone chillin' temps.

Just like the snow, I don't mind the cold. I love my thick old hat and my comfy mittens and I have a collection of about 12 scarves to pick from, so I say "bring it on". I get to go in my sock drawer and pick out the thickest pair I own. I might even throw a pair of long john (the pretty lady kind) on underneath my pants!

When this kind of cold hits, we even have to give up outdoor grilling. Sad, I know. There have been plently of times that we dig the Weber out of the snow and grill, but when temps get's this low, John can't regulate the heat, so outside grilling season is officially over.

I started to search for an indoor grilling pan. I did my research, asked friends which one they had and if they loved it. I'm lucky enough to have a sweet friend offer to send me hers! She hadn't been using it, so she offered it to me! How lucky am I? It came in the mail last weekend. I can't wait to try it. This means I can get my grill on again! Thank you so much Jan. You are such a sweetheart.

Cold weather means comfort food in this house. Hooray!

We are all about the soups and stews and baked casseroles. There is something so satisfying about taking a big old dish piping hot from the oven. Warm bread with butter. Hearty chowders. Hot Oatmeal and delicious breakfast bakes. We love winter foods!

This is a perfect wintery dish. You could serve it as a side or as a main course. It's so good and so easy!

Just cook up a little onion and sautee some mushroom, throw some barley in a pan, add some broth, bake and done!

Barley Mushroom Bake 1

Mushroom Barley Bake
Recipe from Mennonite Girls Can Cook
Olive Oil – for cooking
1 small onion, chopped
3 cups of chopped mushrooms
1 cup or pearl barley (not pot barley!)
2 ¼ cups chicken, beef or vegetable broth

Cook the chopped onion in a bit of vegetable oil until almost tender. Add in the chopped mushrooms and cook until tender. Add the barley in. Stir to combine. Pour in the broth and transfer to a lightly greased 5 cup casserole dish.

Bake at 350 for 1 to 1 ¼ hours or until liquid has absorbed and barley is done.

I stirred mine up about half way through. The barley tends to rise up a bit.

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